YO.DH is thrilled to announce the YO.DH Fest- Innovation to Implementation: Advancing Healthcare through Digital Health. YO.DH Fest 2024 commemorates one year since the establishment of the YO.DH community. This one-day summit aims to bring together the larger YO.DH community, various experts, and organizations working in the realm of digital health. The purpose is to fuel insightful discussions and knowledge sharing and showcase the voices of the YO.DH community members to foster connections between professionals in the digital health space. The event features different types of sessions to explore the present digital health landscape and challenges embedded in the adoption of digital health globally. The event will further dive into how the intersections of digital health solutions across different healthcare themes accelerate a complete response to global health challenges and explore the caveats of digital technology at the forefront of this transformation.

In alignment with the mandate to cultivate future leaders, the event will feature a series of specialized workshops designed to enhance participants' professional competencies. These sessions will encompass leadership coaching, advanced critical problem-solving methodologies, and more, equipping attendees with skills for strategic career advancement. There will be several interactive digital stalls and fun accessory events which will engage the participants in crowd-sourcing ideas and solutions!

Objectives of the Event

Cross-Sector Collaboration

Facilitate networking and collaborative discussions among healthcare professionals, administrators, Health IT specialists, policymakers, and industry representatives to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Capacity Building

Enhance participants' skills through hands-on leadership and skill-building workshops, adding to their journeys of becoming future leaders in digital health.

Professional Development

Provide ongoing learning and development opportunities through workshops, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, including insights on career opportunities in digital health from industry experts.

Community Participation and Engagement

Harness the power of the YO.DH community platform to bring forth the voices of young digital health professionals to the forefront and give them a space to highlight their journeys, learnings, create a network of like-minded professionals, engage in peer learning and develop a sense of community and ownership.

Who Can Participate?

This event offers a unique platform for professionals across various industries to engage with the rapidly evolving field of digital health. By uniting a diverse group of participants, speakers, and facilitators, this event will cultivate a dynamic community dedicated to advancing digital health solutions. You can attend the event if you are:

A YO.DH member. If you are not already a YO.DH member you can become a member and still register for the event.

You are 35 years of age and under

You work in the digital health space or allied sectors

Partnerships and Collaboration

We invite partnerships and collaborations for YO.DH Fest. If you are a similar community to YO.DH, i.e. a youth-focused community working across different intersections in health/ digital health or a media and publishing house and wish to collaborate to amplify our vision, then you can reach out to us by expressing your interest at community@yodh.info.